The root of Kenya is corruption. I wish I could say it isn’t so, but its all around, in the government, law enforcement, religion down to the community development NGO we were working for. My guess is that there is so much fear of living that horrific impoverished lifestyle, that corruption has become secretly acceptable.
It is said that the very best job in Kenya is to be a Pastor. The only hope some people have to hang on to is God. They believe with all their heart that He will come through for them. With that they are willing to give everything they can spare to the local church. That comes in very handy for the Pastor. I have yet to see one that isn’t looking spiffy in a nice suit, clean and well groomed. Other volunteers were placed living with the Pastors and their families and their accommodations were just short of living in the U.S. There may not have been running water in a 6 to 10 room house but there was always a house-hand to flood flush the toilet for them.
As a realist, I wonder how or why these people keep giving when they don’t see the money coming back down to repay their children, provide food when they’re hungry, build shelter and keep them safe, when that small bit extra could make a difference in their today. Then I see... when you have nowhere to go and don’t know where to turn, you have to have something to hang onto. Faith.