Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Time to celebrate

Monday November 8th, 2010
Kids will be kids no matter where they are. Today was one of the hottest days yet, and it was like a full moon on Friday the 13th. I’m not sure if it was the heat or for them, the end of school is coming and they’ve all gone buck wild. Preschool was a challenge today to say the least. My guess is that it is hard to keep the attention focus when it is so hot, but maybe that’s just me. I can’t really blame them.
The second half of our day was fun. It is Kaitlyn’s 24th birthday. It was a fun challenge to surprise her with the resources we had. We decorated the table with a card and balloons and of coarse sang Happy Birthday and a few other fun songs just to laugh and be goofy.
After dinner we resorted to game night in the bar of Agua Negra (our resort). While most everyone enjoyed a round or two of drinks I stuck to my tea, remaining just as vibrant as most people do when they have a buzz going on. The bar tender asked me tonight “Where does all your happiness come from?” I was a bit taken back by the question but my only response was that I wake up everyday with a lot of energy and you can’t use that energy being down and fussy all the time. I make them laugh constantly but they make me laugh just as much. 
I will be returning home with a few less brain cells than I started with. After what I believe to be my third round of spider bites, coming from my bed, I sprayed my sheets with Baygon (an equal to Deat). I have almost no mosquito bites as I bath nightly in repellent but when I wake up in the morning, I have about 30 large red bites only in one small area. They itch like hell. Hopefully my sacrifice will pay off.

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